What does the Similarity Percentage mean?
How do I interpret a Similarity Report?
What level of similarity indicates a problem?
How do I know if a manuscript contains plagiarism?
Content Repositories
What content repositories does iThenticate search against?
Why was a match not found to a webpage?
Why was a match not found to a published article?
This Crossref Similarity Check document, compiled with input from customers, offers helpful guidance on how to review Similarity Reports, some limitations with the reports, and recommendations on how to deal with misconduct issues found within articles.
Crossref Similarity Check interpreting the similarity reports.pdf
Similarity Report User Guide:
Document Viewer Similarity Report User Guide (PDF)
The list of known issues for the iThenticate system are listed on this page:
If you have experienced an issue using Crossref Similarity Check or have a question or concern that is not answered on this page, please contact our support team at
Crossref Similarity Check Introduction to iThenticate
A 1-hour walk-through of iThenticate for Crossref Similarity Check participants. No pre-registration, so mark your calendars!
Monday, January 11 at 8AM San Francisco (find your time zone)
Monday, February 18 at 8AM San Francisco
Monday, March 14 at 8AM San Francisco
Monday, April 11 at 8AM San Francisco
Monday, May 9 at 8AM San Francisco
Monday, June 13 at 8AM San Francisco