Report Notification Emails

Administrators have the ability to receive notification emails when a Similarity Report’s matching percentage exceeds a set threshold. Users are able to customize two thresholds: the Similarity Report Threshold (Overall similarity percentage) and the Content Tracking report threshold (a single matching source within the report).

  1. Log into the account as an administrator
  2. Click on the Settings tab at the top of the page
  3. Click on the Reports tab
  4. Select how often you would like to receive a notification email:
    1. Every Hour
    2. Once a day
    3. Every other day
    4. Once a week
  5. Select the Similarity Report Threshold
    1. Reports that exceed the set threshold will be included in the report notification email’s list of reports
  6. Select the Content Tracking Report Threshold
    1. When a single source within the report exceeds this set threshold the report will be included in the report notification email’s list of reports
  7. Click on the Update Settings button to save the changes


Here is a sample of a report notification email:


If the administrator is logged into iThenticate, when the “Link to Report” is clicked the report will open up in a new browser window or tab.

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